My Mission
To empower women to be the Chief Legacy Officer of their own lives.
Who is the Luminous Legacy Project For?
If you can answer Yes, this is ME, to one or more of these items, this group is for you.
You get the picture.

Before we plan our final documents, and before we complete our estate plans, we need to have conversations with our loved ones about them; the who, what, how and when. Have you even started to think about how you envision your final chapter? Have you started and been shut down by anxiety, or just plain fear (yours or theirs)?
It’s Time to Start the Conversations Now!
Did you know…
Every authority on end-of-life planning, from the Brookings Institute to AARP, claims that we should prepare our plans, our families and our selves, for our Final Chapter, with discussions, documents, and an estate plan. Did you know that, although about 6 in 10 Americans have a retirement account, the majority of adults do not have any form of estate planning document. In fact, only 1 in 3 has an estate plan, according to
What is the Luminous Legacy Project?

I created the Luminous Legacy Project to empower women, 50+ to be the Chief Legacy Officer of Their Own Life. I chose the word Luminous because I saw this endeavor as shedding a light, bright and shining, into the darkness of fear, superstition, taboo, family/cultural traditions, that often prevent open, loving, frank conversations about death and loss.
I will facilitate and coach the group, as it offers support, practice, information, guest speakers, and celebration. These conversations are often hard to have because of limitations of family superstitions, cultural and/or religious prescription, and our own fears.
The impact of my stand fully realized is that we, our families, friends and communities, are fully engaged in the conversations and activities around our last chapters, that are beautiful, loving, and even fun, that will free us all to grieve and celebrate, when the time comes.
How Does the Luminous Legacy Project Work?
My Why
Hello and welcome.
I’m Susan Shafer, Creator of The Luminous Legacy Project.
Having had my own experiences with the expected loss of my very old and frail parents, and the unexpected loss of my 33 year old son, and hearing about so many others, where we were the ones left behind to manage it all, I thought, there’s where I think I can make a difference. I want to leave people empowered to create the life they want to live, and how they want to complete it, that would lead to a feeling of completion and ease, and love. That’s when I stepped into David Kessler’s Grief Educator Certification program.
As I delved more deeply into the shape my offering might take, this scenario came to me. Sound familiar?
“The adrenaline, the auto pilot, the ‘must’ follow-ups,
The lists of calls and emails, to the family, the friends,
The paperwork, the calls to the wrong person, the wait time to get to the right person.
The bank, the lawyer, the insurance companies, the funeral parlor,
The organizing, the need to get it done, to be finished, to get to the money for the funeral, to do the things that need doing.
The questions, the discussions, the signatures, the notarizing, the search for the rest of it, the feelings of overwhelm, can’t, don’t want to, must.
It seems endless. The wishing it had been all completed. Before.”
I thought, there must be a better way, a less confusing, less anxious making way. It’s the whole ball of wax. I wanted to make a difference for people to change up their experience of being left with the death and grief of loved ones, of unfulfilled dreams for their future. What I came to, is The Luminous Legacy Project, an expression of my STAND to transform our conversations about death from fear of the unknown, to curiosity for what’s next.
This quote, from Thich Nhat Hanh, resonates with me, as someone who has lost, not only my parents, but my son, my only child, and dear, childhood friends…
“Birth and death are the only two doors
Through which we pass,
Sacred thresholds on our journey.”

What Results Can You Expect?
“Birth and death are only two doors
Through which we pass,
Sacred thresholds on our journey.”
– Thich Nhat Hanh

Write Your Own Final Chapter NOW!
Schedule and Fees
Schedule an Introductory Clarity Call to Learn More
I work with small groups of 10 or more intimate pods of people who choose to work together. I set up pod meetings to accommodate schedules as much as possible.